Reimagining Global Health


Reimagining Global Health

Our theme for the summer issue asks contributors and readers to reimagine the way global health is conceptualised. To us, global health involves ensuring better health for all who inhabit our planet. Reimagining global health, therefore, may include decolonising initiatives, rebuilding after COVID-19, addressing the climate crisis, better understanding women's health, or advocacy for neglected issues.

Image Credit: Sophie Buckely

Featured Contributions


Long Reads


The female contraceptive pill: empowering or oppressive?

By Tamzin Reynolds


Can reimagining inter-species interactions contribute to decolonising One Health?

By Emma Walton





The past is something that we have to come to terms with but I am going to look forward to ensure Canadians together will build a better Canada, and I think that is my important role
— Mary Simon, Governor General of Canada
Samantha S reflects on Canada’s dark history while considering how Governor General Mary Simon’s appointment will impact Indigenous health across the country.Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Samantha Barkman reflects on Canada’s dark history while considering how Governor General Mary Simon’s appointment will impact Indigenous health across the country.

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons