In the Time of After What . . . ?!

Image credit: Sophie Buckley

Was my brain injury the greatest flaw . . . ?

I was quite abnormal before . . .

My schooling seemed too simple, & woolly,

If was I allowed to dislike being bullied . . . ?

An I.Q. test told them I’d ranked 200 . . .

Though single sex schools put friendships asunder . . . (!).

I could learn better, but, when it came to apply it . . .

It was only in ad-writing where I fit . . .

And then came the incident, due to a car . . .

And 6 weeks, with repairs, before waking, with scars . . .

Then the 4 years of rehab, in various places . . .

And I can’t say I’m past all the cerbral traces . . . (!).

Though, through it all, I’d seldom linked with girls . . .

I’d never quite known how to rank in their worlds . . .

At least, perhaps, now, I’ve found someone I fit with . . .

But she’s her problems too, from which I hope her to lift . . . (!).


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